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<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.WebForm1" %>        


body {   width:100%;   max-height:100%;   padding:0px;   margin:0px;   text-align:center;   }   .cell {   float:left;    /*float 属性定义元素在哪个方向浮动*/ clear:right;   /*clear 属性规定元素的哪一侧不允许其他浮动元素*/}     .row {   clear:both;  /*在左右两侧均不允许浮动元素*/   }     .r_nbsp {   /*width:200px;   */}     .root {   /*width:1010px;*//*margin: 0 auto;   /*margin 简写属性在一个声明中设置所有外边距属性*/}     .root * {   /*次属性FF的说*/  -moz-user-select:none;   }     .line {   width:202px;line-height:20px;   height:20px;   overflow:hidden;   font-size:12px;   }     .move {   border:#CCCCCC 1px solid;   width:200px;   /*height:20px;*/   }     .title {   cursor:move;   /*background:#0080C0;*/   font-size:13px;   font-weight:bold;   color:#FFFFFF;   line-height:24px;   text-align:center;   }     .content {   border-top:#CCCCCC 1px solid;    background-color:#F7F7F7;   }     .CDrag_temp_div {   border:orange 1px dashed;   }


//var div1 = null;//var div2 = null;var Class ={    //创建类       create: function() {        return function() {            this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);        };    }};var $A = function(a) {    //转换数组       return a ? Array.apply(null, a) : new Array;};var $$ = function(id) {    //获取对象       return document.getElementById(id);};Object.extend = function(a, b) {    //追加方法       for (var i in b) a[i] = b[i];    return a;};Object.extend(Object, {    addEvent: function(a, b, c, d) {        //添加函数           if (a.attachEvent) a.attachEvent(b[0], c); //attachEvent("onclick", buttonClicked);   //给按钮增加事件           else a.addEventListener(b[1] || b[0].replace(/^on/, ""), c, d || false);        return c;    },    delEvent: function(a, b, c, d) {        if (a.detachEvent) a.detachEvent(b[0], c);        else a.removeEventListener(b[1] || b[0].replace(/^on/, ""), c, d || false);        return c;    },    //---------------------------------------获取Event      reEvent: function() {        //获取Event           return window.event ? window.event : (function(o) {            do {                o = o.caller;            } while (o && !/^\[object[ A-Za-z]*Event\]$/.test(o.arguments[0]));            return o.arguments[0];        })(this.reEvent);    }});Function.prototype.bind = function() {    //绑定事件       var wc = this, a = $A(arguments), o = a.shift();    return function() {        wc.apply(o, a.concat($A(arguments)));    };};/  var Table = Class.create();Table.prototype = {    //---------------------------------------初始化      initialize: function() {        //初始化           var wc = this;        wc.cols = new Array; //创建列       },    //---------------------------------------添加列      addCols: function(o) //o代表列    {        //添加列           var wc = this,		cols = wc.cols,		i = cols.length;        return cols[i] = {            id: i, div: o, rows: new Array, //创建行               addRow: wc.addRow,            chRow: wc.chRow,            inRow: wc.inRow,            delRow: wc.delRow        };    },    //---------------------------------------添加行       addRow: function(o) {        //添加行           var wc = this,		rows = wc.rows,		i = rows.length;        return rows[i] = {            id: i, div: o, cols: wc        };    },    //---------------------------------------插入行       inRow: function(a, b) {        //插入行           var wc = b.cols = this,		    rows = wc.rows, i;        if (a < rows.length) {            for (i = a; i < rows.length; i++)                rows[i].id++;            rows.splice(a, 0, b);            b.id = a;            return b;        }        else {            b.id = rows.length;            return rows[b.id] = b;        }    },    //---------------------------------------删除列     delRow: function(a) {        //删除列           var wc = this,		rows = wc.rows,		i, r;        if (a >= rows.length) return;        r = rows[a];        rows.splice(a, 1);        for (i = a; i < rows.length; i++) rows[i].id = i;        return r;    }};//var CDrag = Class.create();CDrag.IE = /MSIE/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);CDrag.prototype = {    //---------------------------------------初始化成员      initialize: function() {        //初始化成员           var wc = this; //this指类CDrag        wc.table = new Table; //建立表格对象 ,wc.table属性的值是Table类        wc.iFunc = null;        wc.eFunc = null; //新建两个属性值都为空        wc.obj = {//wc.obj属性是对象            on: { a: null, b: "" },            row: null, left: 0, top: 0        };        wc.temp = { row: null, div: document.createElement("div") }; //wc.temp对象        wc.temp.div.setAttribute(CDrag.IE ? "className" : "class", "CDrag_temp_div"); //根据浏览器设置div类样式 ,wc.temp对象中的div属性        wc.temp.div.innerHTML = "
"; //将内容设置为空 wc.temp.div.style.textAlign = "left"; + }, //---------------------------------------获取鼠标位置,鼠标单击层时触发,该方法返回鼠标的xy轴的位置 reMouse: function(a) { //获取鼠标位置 var e = Object.reEvent(); //被单击的层 return { x: document.documentElement.scrollLeft + e.clientX, //获取鼠标单击X轴的位置 y: document.documentElement.scrollTop + e.clientY //获取鼠标单击Y轴的位置 }; }, //---------------------------------------获取元素绝对位置 rePosition: function(o) { //参数是div //获取元素绝对位置 var $x = $y = 0; do { $x += o.offsetLeft; $y += o.offsetTop; } while ((o = o.offsetParent) && o.tagName != "BODY"); return { x: $x, y: $y }; }, //---------------------------------------单击行时触发 sMove: function(o) { //当拖动开始时设置参数 var wc = this; if (wc.iFunc || wc.eFinc) return; var mouse = wc.reMouse(), //调用方法获取鼠标的位置 temp = wc.temp, //对象 div = o.div, //当前活动的DIV position = wc.rePosition(div); //获取该活动的DIV的xy的位置 obj = wc.obj, //对象,现在是空的,用来记录活动的层的信息 obj.row = o; //o是addRow返回的对象 obj.on.b = "me"; obj.left = mouse.x - position.x; //赋值,鼠标的位置-层的位置 X obj.top = mouse.y - position.y; temp.row = document.body.appendChild(div.cloneNode(true)); //复制预拖拽对象,克隆div //------1 with (temp.row.style) {//设置被拖拽DIV的样式 //设置复制对象 position = "absolute"; //设置绝对位置 left = mouse.x - obj.left + "px"; top = mouse.y - obj.top + "px"; zIndex = 100; opacity = "0.3"; filter = "alpha(opacity:50)"; //透明 } //-------2 with (temp.div.style) {//div的高度和宽度,空div的样式 //设置站位对象 height = div.clientHeight + "px"; width = div.clientWidth + "px"; //background = "Orange";//占位背景色 } //------3 /*div.parentNode.insertBefore(temp.div, div); div.style.display = "none"; //隐藏预拖拽对象*/ div.parentNode.replaceChild(temp.div, div); //新的DIV替换了之前的div //------4 wc.iFunc = Object.addEvent(document, ["onmousemove"], wc.iMove.bind(wc)); //开始拖动时的事件,addEvent添加事件,addEvent( object, eventType, function ); wc.eFunc = Object.addEvent(document, ["onmouseup"], wc.eMove.bind(wc)); //鼠标释放的事件 document.onselectstart = new Function("return false"); //鼠标单击后不能做任何事 //------5 }, //---------------------------------------当鼠标移动时设置参数 iMove: function() { //当鼠标移动时设置参数 var wc = this, //this=CDrag cols = wc.table.cols, //获取当前的列数 mouse = wc.reMouse(), //鼠标的位置 obj = wc.obj, //对象,记录着活动的层的信息 temp = wc.temp, row = obj.row, // div = temp.row, //克隆后的div t_position, t_cols, t_rows, i, j; //设置div随着鼠标移动 with (div.style) { left = mouse.x - obj.left + "px"; top = mouse.y - obj.top + "px"; } //循环所有列 for (i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { t_cols = cols[i]; //当前列 t_position = wc.rePosition(t_cols.div); //获取整列div元素的位置 //确保鼠标在这几列的范围内移动 if (t_position.x < mouse.x && t_position.x + t_cols.div.offsetWidth > mouse.x)//div的x小于鼠标的x && 元素x+ { if (t_cols.rows.length > 0) { //如果此列行数大于0 if (wc.rePosition(t_cols.rows[0].div).y + 20 > mouse.y) //第一列的高度+20>鼠标的高度 { //alert(wc.rePosition(t_cols.rows[0].div).y+'鼠标y:'+mouse.y); //如果鼠标位置大于第一行的位置即是最上。。 //向上 obj.on.a = t_cols.rows[0]; //列里面的第一行 obj.on.b = "up"; obj.on.a.div.parentNode.insertBefore(temp.div, obj.on.a.div); //temp.div(之前创建的空div),obj.on.a.div(最上面的div)先获取父节点m_1,m_2,在将其添加到最前面 //oNewNode :  必选项。对象(Element)。要被插入文档结构的对象。 //oChildNode :  可选项。对象(Element)。定位插入点。 oNewNode 被插入到紧贴这个子对象的前面 } //此列的行数大于一 第一行就是被克隆的那行 只要鼠标移过第二行 else if (t_cols.rows.length > 1 && t_cols.rows[0] == row && wc.rePosition(t_cols.rows[1].div).y + 20 > mouse.y) { //如果第一行是拖拽对象而第鼠标大于第二行位置则,没有动。。 //向上 obj.on.b = "me"; t_cols.rows[1].div.parentNode.insertBefore(temp.div, t_cols.rows[1].div); } else { //循环所有列的行 for (j = t_cols.rows.length - 1; j > -1; j--) { //重最下行向上查询 t_rows = t_cols.rows[j]; if (t_rows == obj.row) { continue; } //如果是同一行 if (wc.rePosition(t_rows.div).y < mouse.y) { //如果鼠标大于这行则在这行下面 if (t_rows.id + 1 < t_cols.rows.length && t_cols.rows[t_rows.id + 1] != obj.row) { //如果这行有下一行则重这行下一行的上面插入 t_cols.rows[t_rows.id + 1].div.parentNode. insertBefore(temp.div, t_cols.rows[t_rows.id + 1].div); obj.on.a = t_rows; obj.on.b = "down"; } else if (t_rows.id + 2 < t_cols.rows.length) { //如果这行下一行是拖拽对象则插入到下两行,即拖拽对象返回原位 t_cols.rows[t_rows.id + 2].div.parentNode. insertBefore(temp.div, t_cols.rows[t_rows.id + 2].div); obj.on.b = "me"; } else { //前面都没有满足则放在最低行 t_rows.div.parentNode.appendChild(temp.div); obj.on.a = t_rows; obj.on.b = "down"; } return; } } } } else { //此列无内容添加新行 t_cols.div.appendChild(temp.div); obj.on.a = t_cols; obj.on.b = "new"; } } } }, //---------------------------------------当鼠标释放时设置参数 eMove: function() { //当鼠标释放时设置参数 var wc = this, obj = wc.obj, //记录正活动div的信息 temp = wc.temp, row = obj.row, div = row.div, //拖动的div o_cols, n_cols; div1 = temp.row; div2 = temp.div; //占位div //alert(temp.row.offsetTop + ',' + zhanwei.offsetTop);(temp.row,zhanwei) var div2_y = div2.offsetTop; var div2_x = document.getElementById('vv').offsetLeft; //div2.offsetLeft; var div1_Id = div1.id; Object.delEvent(document, ["onmousemove"], wc.iFunc); $("#" + div1_Id).animate({ left: div2_x, top: div2_y }, function() { if (obj.on.b == "up") { //向最上添加 o_cols = obj.row.cols; n_cols = obj.on.a.cols; n_cols.inRow(0, o_cols.delRow(obj.row.id)); } else if (obj.on.b == "down") { //相对向下添加 o_cols = obj.row.cols; n_cols = obj.on.a.cols; n_cols.inRow(obj.on.a.id + 1, o_cols.delRow(obj.row.id)); } else if (obj.on.b == "new") { //向无内容列添加 o_cols = obj.row.cols; n_cols = obj.on.a; n_cols.inRow(0, o_cols.delRow(obj.row.id)); } temp.div.parentNode.replaceChild(div, temp.div); //div替换temp.div temp.row.parentNode.removeChild(temp.row); delete temp.row; //Object.delEvent(document, ["onmousemove"], wc.iFunc); Object.delEvent(document, ["onmouseup"], wc.eFunc); document.onselectstart = wc.iFunc = wc.eFunc = null; }); // oTimer = setInterval( // function() { // var isContinue = false; // var div1_y = div1.offsetTop; // var div1_x = div1.offsetLeft; // var div2_y = div2.offsetTop; // var div2_x = document.getElementById('vv').offsetLeft; //div2.offsetLeft; // var x1 = 0; // var y1 = 0; // if (div1_x > div2_x) { // if (div1_x - div2_x <= 20) { // div1.style.left = div1.offsetLeft - 1 + "px"; isContinue = true; // } else { // div1.style.left = div1.offsetLeft - 20 + "px"; isContinue = true; // } // } else if (div1_x < div2_x) { // if (div2_x - div1_x <= 20) { // div1.style.left = div1.offsetLeft + 1 + "px"; isContinue = true; // } else { // div1.style.left = div1.offsetLeft + 20 + "px"; isContinue = true; // } // } // if (div1_y > div2_y) { // if (div1_y - div2_y <= 20) { // div1.style.top = div1.offsetTop - 1 + "px"; isContinue = true; // } else { // div1.style.top = div1.offsetTop - 20 + "px"; isContinue = true; // } // } else if (div1_y < div2_y) { // if (div2_y - div1_y <= 20) { // div1.style.top = div1.offsetTop + 1 + "px"; isContinue = true; // } else { // div1.style.top = div1.offsetTop + 20 + "px"; isContinue = true; // } // } // if (!isContinue) { // window.clearInterval(oTimer); // if (obj.on.b == "up") { // //向最上添加 // o_cols = obj.row.cols; // n_cols = obj.on.a.cols; // n_cols.inRow(0, o_cols.delRow(obj.row.id)); // } // else if (obj.on.b == "down") { // //相对向下添加 // o_cols = obj.row.cols; // n_cols = obj.on.a.cols; // n_cols.inRow(obj.on.a.id + 1, o_cols.delRow(obj.row.id)); // } // else if (obj.on.b == "new") { // //向无内容列添加 // o_cols = obj.row.cols; // n_cols = obj.on.a; // n_cols.inRow(0, o_cols.delRow(obj.row.id)); // } // temp.div.parentNode.replaceChild(div, temp.div); //div替换temp.div // temp.row.parentNode.removeChild(temp.row); // delete temp.row; // Object.delEvent(document, ["onmousemove"], wc.iFunc); // Object.delEvent(document, ["onmouseup"], wc.eFunc); // document.onselectstart = wc.iFunc = wc.eFunc = null; // } // } // , 50); }, //---------------------------------------添加对象 add: function(o) { //o代表addRow返回的对象 //添加对象 //alert(o.div); var wc = this; Object.addEvent(o.div.childNodes[CDrag.IE ? 0 : 1], ["onmousedown"], wc.sMove.bind(wc, o)); }, //---------------------------------------初始化成员 parse: function(o)//o代表数组 { //初始化成员 var wc = this, //这里所有的this指向的是对象CDrag table = wc.table, cols, i, j; for (i = 0; i < o.length; i++)//根据对象数组循环列数 { cols = table.addCols(o[i].cols); //添加列 for (j = 0; j < o[i].rows.length; j++) wc.add(cols.addRow(o[i].rows[j])); //将行添加到列中,并绑上事件 } }};}


//窗体加载事件function PageLoad(colNumber, rowNumber) {    var dwidth = 0;    for (var w = 0; w < colNumber - 1; w++) {//根据列数判断div的宽度        dwidth = dwidth + 202; //每多一列宽度加202    }    $$("div_Content").style.width = dwidth + 'px';    var Cwidth = 0; //列宽    for (var i = 1; i < colNumber; i++) {        var div = CreateObj('div');        div.id = 'm_' + i; //id        div.style.padding = "5";        div.setAttribute('className', 'cell'); //样式        var CTitle = CreateObj('div');        CTitle.setAttribute('className', 'line'); //列        CTitle.innerText = '第' + i + '列';        div.appendChild(CTitle); //添加头        for (var j = 1; j < rowNumber; j++) {            var DContent = CreateObj('div');            DContent.setAttribute('className', 'move');            DContent.id = 'm_' + i + '_' + j;            DContent.style.background = "#fff";            var title = CreateObj('div');            title.setAttribute('className', 'title');            title.innerText = '第' + i + '列的第' + j + '个说';            title.id = "tit_" + i + "_" + j;            //title.style.height = "200px";            //设置宽度随内容变化            if (j == 1 && (title.innerText.length) < 10) {                Cwidth = 200;            }            else if (j == 1 && (title.innerText.length) > 10) {//根据内容的长度绝对div的宽度                var wNumber = (title.innerText.length) - 10;                Cwidth = (200 + (wNumber * 10));            }            with (title.style) {//设置div宽度                width = Cwidth + 'px';                height = "30px";                background = '#0080C0';            }            DContent.style.width = Cwidth + 'px';            DContent.style.height = '100px';            //DContent.innerText = "fdsfds";            var neirongdiv = CreateObj("div");            neirongdiv.innerText = "fdsfdsfdsfsd";            DContent.appendChild(title);            DContent.appendChild(neirongdiv);            div.appendChild(DContent); //将行添加到列中        }        div.style.width = Cwidth + 'px'; //设置大div的宽度也随着内容改变        with (CTitle.style) {            width = 10 + Cwidth + 'px';        }        $$("div_Content").appendChild(div);    }    //拼接数组对象    var F_Node = $$("div_Content")//获取最外面的层    var nodes = F_Node.childNodes;    //循环子节点    var strs = '[';    for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {        strs = strs + "{cols:$$('" + nodes[i].id + "')";        var node2 = nodes[i].childNodes; //获取子节点        if (node2.length > 0)            strs += ",rows:[";        for (var j = 0; j < node2.length; j++) {            var CurrentNode = node2[j].nextSibling; //兄弟节点的下一个节点            if (CurrentNode != null)                strs += "$$('" + CurrentNode.id + "'),"        }        strs = strs.substring(0, strs.length - 1) + "]},"; //去,号    }    strs = strs.substring(0, strs.length - 1) + "]";    var wc = new CDrag;    wc.parse(eval(strs));}//创建对象function CreateObj(obj) {    return document.createElement(obj);}



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